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Aspect Ratio

KOENEN Precision Screen realises an aspect ratio of 0.58

Increase production output


Benefits of the Aspect Ratio

  • More homogeneous line
  • Improved conductivity of finger
  • Paste reduction
  • No double print necessary to achive > 40 µm height

SOLUTION: KOENEN Aspect Ratio - We develop the screen for you for the paste, machine and application

The customised Precision Screen


The KOENEN Aspect Ratio screen causes an increase in the conductivity of the printed webs and reduces unnecessary paste application. This generally results in significant savings. A prerequisite for this, however, is internal research series with customer parameters.

KOENEN - Sustainability
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Christian Koenen GmbH
HighTech Screens

Otto-Hahn-Straße 24
85521 Ottobrunn-Riemerling

Tel.: +49 89 665618 – 0
Fax: +49 89 665618 – 330

© 2025 Christian Koenen GmbH