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HiRes Photo Plots

Highly precise photo plots up to 64.000 dpi

Benefits of KOENEN HiRes Photo Plots

  • Reproduceable quality
  • Position accuracy ±4 µm
  • Minimal line thickness 10 µm

Highly precise photo plots

For special applications KOENEN offers photo plots with a resolution up to 100.000 dpi and up to 200.000 for glassmaster.

KOENEN - Sustainability
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KOENEN - Logistics
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Christian Koenen GmbH
HighTech Screens

Otto-Hahn-Straße 24
85521 Ottobrunn-Riemerling

Tel.: +49 89 665618 – 0
Fax: +49 89 665618 – 330

© 2025 Christian Koenen GmbH