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MICRON® Precision Screens

Applications: Used in high-performance areas in industrial screen printing, electronic and photovoltaic industries, in the automotive sector and even in the decorative high-end market

MICRON® Precision Screens for technical printing meet all technical and functional requirements for high-end applications, including mass production.


  • Available in all standard screen sizes
  • Standardized and documented clean room production process
  • Highest dimensional stability
  • Best printing results
  • Extremely high accuracy of fit
  • Reproducible quality

OUR SOLUTION: MICRON® Precision Screens

Worldwide unique metal fabric and synthetic fabric screen without loss of tension!

Only high quality raw materials (for example Japanese stainless steel fabric from NBC and ASADA) are used and processed when manufacturing our MICRON® Precision Screens. All frames can be spanned with stainless steel, polyester, tungsten or V-screen fabric and coated with the film thicknesses specified by the customer (EOM).

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Christian Koenen GmbH
HighTech Screens

Otto-Hahn-Straße 24
85521 Ottobrunn-Riemerling

Tel.: +49 89 665618 – 0
Fax: +49 89 665618 – 330

© 2025 Christian Koenen GmbH