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You are here: Home » Products » Squeegee Technologies » HQ Diamond Squeegee

HQ Diamond Squeegee

Improved, modified polyurethanes

Characteristics of HQ Diamond Squeegee

  • High chemical resistance to pastes and cleaners
  • Reduced abrasion during the printing process
  • Long life time
  • Precise printing behaviour due to advance surface quality
  • Rapid and easy cleaning
  • International colour code for exact assignment
  • Very good abrasion resistance and optimum material flow

High process stable printing results

The high life time of the KOENEN HQ squeegee increases the up-time and thus results in a cost reduction.

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Christian Koenen GmbH
HighTech Screens

Otto-Hahn-Straße 24
85521 Ottobrunn-Riemerling

Tel.: +49 89 665618 – 0
Fax: +49 89 665618 – 330

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