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Research Project Lignin

KOENEN is part of the research project - “Lignin as renewable material”

In January the project “Lignin as renewable material for applications in the electronic industry” started. Together with partners KOENEN evaluates lignin as bio-plastics to substitute conventional materials.


The task of KOENEN is to examine and analyse the usability of screen printing frames which have been developed and manufactured out of renewable materials especially under the aspect of use in the electronics industry. Does lignin offer the necessary parameters for screen printing? How is the behaviour of Precision Screens manufactured with lignin frames during the printing process?


In order to answer those and more questions, KOENEN is going to manufacture test screens for the project partners. It follows the examination of mechanical resistance and plane-parallelism. Additionally the life time and final printing results over a specific time line are analysed at the inhouse KOENEN Innovation Center. All this is necessary in order to determine the usability of lignin for industrial processes in an early stage of the research.

All detailed work packages are outlined in the project plan which can be viewed under:www.fnr.de


Publications about the project:www.vdi-nachrichten.de

The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection via their executing organisation, the agency for renewable resources (FNR), with a total of 2.6 million €uros.

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Christian Koenen GmbH
HighTech Screens

Otto-Hahn-Straße 24
85521 Ottobrunn-Riemerling

Tel.: +49 89 665618 – 0
Fax: +49 89 665618 – 330

E-Mail: info@koenen.de
© 2025 Christian Koenen GmbH